The Graham McNally WebSite, hereafter referred to as either 'the site' or 'the page',
is the creation of Graham McNally, hereafter referred to as 'Graham',
and the views and opinions expressed here are his own, and are not necessarily
the same as those, or bear any relation to those of 'the host', Tripod Communications.
This page has no affiliation with Meat Loaf, Jim Steinman, Yahoo!, Google, Guestworld/,
Microsoft Corporation, Netscape Corporation, Logical Systems Inc., Decipher Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd., Tripod Communications,
Lycos HTMLgear, BeSeen, The Boxing Game, Logical Systems or any people or organisations connected with them.
Further more, the site does not necessarily have any affiliation with any groups, company or persons
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All material is provided 'as is' with no express warranty of any kind for either you
or your computer (i.e. Use at your own risk). None of it is intended to break copyright
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material causes the copyright of the material used revert back to the original
owner(s). Attempting to get personal or commercial gain from any of this material
contained within is a) morally wrong, b) legally wrong and c) not condoned by Graham.
All material, apart from that created by Graham of these pages is or has been
freely downloadable from other assorted sites on the Internet. The exception to the
above information is the Powerboost Software homepage.
The name, 'Powerboost Software', the Powerboost Software (two-batteries) logo and the
material produced by Powerboost Software is © Graham McNally. The
material contained within the Powerboost pages is not downloadable elsewhere prior to
inclusion on the Powerboost Software homepages. They are useable only within the scope
of the individual terms and conditions regarding each program and its associated parts.
Thank you for reading.